you've heard the joke about adding "in bed" to the end of your
fortune cookie fortune to make it spicier.
fortune cookie fortune to make it spicier.
in this same spirit, we revere the unapologetic celebration of you in a swimsuit.
harness the badassness of " my swimsuit" and take everything you do -
whether it's the everyday ordinary or once in a lifetime extraordinary - to eleven.
et voila! my swimsuit is an ongoing series where we discover the unique fierce
that is a malia mills maven by chatting with some of the incredible gals who make malia mills possible.
that is a malia mills maven by chatting with some of the incredible gals who make malia mills possible.
blog meet olivia, olivia meet the blog...

olivia pre-her-malia-mills-days.
how long have you been a malia mills maven + what do you do?
i’ve worked for malia mills since 2010! i started working as a fit specialist at the store on mulberry street in nyc and found my way out to california about three years ago. now i manage both the marin and palo alto stores. i also help out with merchandising and lots of other stuff. most of us here at mm wear many hats.
what is something about you most people don't know?
while i love the beach, i am terrified of the ocean. i am definitely a land gal.
what is something about malia mills that most people don't know?
babies and dogs adore her. i mean, who wouldn't?!
what is a travel must-have you can't live without?
definitely my dog, tweak. she goes everywhere with me and loves traveling -- especially waltzing through the airport like she owns the place. if i ever travel without her, i feel like half of my body is missing!
car? train? plane? bike? hike? other?
hike for sure. i have developed such a love for hiking since moving to northern california. my house is surrounded by loads of trails and open space to explore, however, i do love having a few glasses of wine on the red eye from sfo to jfk.
where is your favorite place to rock a malia mills swimsuit?
i rock my suits at beaches and swimming holes all summer long, but my favorite place i ever rocked a suit would definitely be the grateful dead 50th anniversary show in chicago on the 4th of july! i wore a “red hills” vamp with these killer striped white pants and a really rad blue beaded choker.
what is your favorite malia mills piece?
wow, what a hard question. working here almost 7 years, i have LOTS of favorites. i think my favorite ready to wear piece would be a tie between the swish and the soiree. my favorite bikini is definitely the vamp/sweet okole combo. i think anyone who looks at my instagram could guess that.
what is the newest bit a of malia mills magic you need next?
i am DYING for a smoke on the water alessandra maillot!
fill in the blank: I feel groovy in my swimsuit.
follow along with us as we celebrate the spice of life my swimsuit on instagram @maliamillsnyc and right here on the blog.
and be sure to share with us your stories and fierce spirit #inmyswimsuit
Wow. This is so cool. I knew you lived in California, but didn’t know what you did.
What a wonderful life you’re leading, Olivia. You’re such a thoughtful and caring person (a well as beautiful).
I love this, Olivia! You amaze me! xo
I love this, Olivia! You amaze me! xo
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