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MALIA MILLS MADISON AVENUE AND SAN FRANCISCO ARE NOW OPEN! my swimsuit with chloe my swimsuit with chloe

you've heard the joke about adding "in bed" to the end of your
cracked open fortune from a fortune cookie to make it spicier.  

in this same spirit, we revere the unapologetic celebration of you in a swimsuit. 

harness the badassness of " my swimsuit" and take everything you do -
whether it's the everyday ordinary or once in a lifetime extraordinary - to eleven.

et voila! my swimsuit is an ongoing series where we discover the unique fierce
that is a malia mills maven by chatting with some of the incredible gals who make malia mills possible.

blog meet chloe, chloe meet the blog...

chloe pre-her-malia-mills-days.

as we get ready to polish off another epic summer (but it's not over yet!), 
we've got some questions we're dying for you to answer...

how long have you been a malia mills maven + what do you do?
this is my fourth summer as a malia mills maven-- i started in may 2013 rockin’ sales at our columbus avenue shop.
now i run the webstore from our studio in industry city, connecting with mm mavens all around the world.

what is something about you most people don't know?
i’m not afraid to try most things, but it took me 23 years to muster the courage to try sushi.
of course it's now my go-to meal.

what is something about malia mills that most people don't know?
the beauty of the chi-jack (group jumping jacks done to our fave tunes when we need to pump things up!) 
simply getting up and away from the computer to let loose as a team.
not only do we get some daily exercise + giggles, but after chi-jacks are done, the studio or the stores are filled with positive vibes all around.

what is a travel must-have you can't live without?
my thalia dresses, yes both of them, come with me on every vacation.
they move so well from the beach to the town.
car? train? plane? bike? hike? other?
 does all of the above count?
i love being in motion (99% of the time, i will have my headphones on blasting my discover playlist on spotify).


where is your favorite place to rock a malia mills swimsuit?
upstate, NY-- the adirondack mountains in a little lake called lake balfour.  
it is where i spent all of my summers growing up + i’m at total peace when i’m there.

what is your favorite malia mills piece you own
tie between my silvia jumpsuit and my vamp/love knot combo 

what is the newest bit of malia mills magic you need next?

fill in the blank:
 am happiest    in my swimsuit.

follow along with us as we celebrate the spice of life my swimsuit on instagram @maliamillsnyc and right here on the blog.   

and be sure to share your stories and fierce spirit #inmyswimsuit

1 comment

Sabina Trager

Great to get to know Chloe better! She helped me in NYC a couple of years ago. Sooooo sweet, professional, and knowledgeable. And Chloe helped me again recently with a web question—and she remembered my daughter and me visiting the store!! I didn’t even know she was the web guru. Again, excellent customer service! Thank you, Chloe!! Keep up the great work!! You’re one big reason why I really like mm.

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